In addition, you can also bring up Siri by clicking its Dock icon or menu bar icon. You don’t have to, of course, and if you don’t, no problem: Siri can be enabled via a new Siri pane in System Preferences, where you can also specify a keyboard shortcut to invoke it. When you first install Sierra, the installer asks you if you want to enable Siri. At first glance, though, it seems like time well-spent. Siri - It seems like Siri should have come to the Mac before now, but adding the capabilities and features that would adapt an intelligent assistant designed for a mobile operating system to a desktop computing environment has taken Apple some time.

Let’s take a look at Siri and some of the other shiny new items coming to your Mac. Yes, Siri has come to the Mac, although it’s not the only enhancement to make its way into the latest macOS. It may not be a complete coincidence that the name Sierra sounds eerily similar to its marquee new feature: Siri. MacOS 10.12 Sierra is out now as a 4.77 GB download in Software Update. It’s almost autumn in the northern hemisphere: leaves are beginning to change color, new iPhones are hitting the market, and the twelfth major release of the operating system formerly known as “OS X” has migrated from Cupertino to its nesting places around the world. #1645: AirPlay iPhone to Mac for remote video, Siri learns to restart iPhones, Apple's Q1 2023 financials.1646: Security-focused OS updates, Photos Workbench review, Mastodon client wishlist, Apple-related conferences.1647: Focus-caused notification issues, site-specific browser examples, virtualizing Windows on M-series Macs.#1648: iPhone passcode thefts, Center Cam improves webcam eye contact, APFS Uncertainty Principle.#1649: More LastPass breach details and 1Password switch, macOS screen saver problem, tvOS 16.3.3 fixes Siri Remote bug.